Patient and caregiver needs realized . . .
- Our platform reaches research communities and innovators both inside and outside of academia dedicated to developing new products, tools, and devices for neurological disorders.
- We emphasize public and patient engagement in the science we fund.
- Our unique, open-access portal allows further patient engagement following initial submission to ensure others will also benefit from the proposed product/ tool.
- Proposals that are positively reviewed by public users, the Scientific Advisory Board, and the Business Advisory Board will appear on the platform as Prize Challenges.
The Process: patient-driven open innovation.
As the primary sponsor or in collaboration with other sponsors, Neurology Patient initiative will:
- Launch patient-driven challenges that can be leveraged to attract capital from investors and motivated solvers.
- Outline clear challenge criteria required for the awarding of each prize.
- Outline challenge-specific business agreements in challenge rules (e.g., intellectual property ownership or licensure for commercialization purposes).
- Provide winning solutions access to further investment opportunity.
- Provide methods of safety testing and further piloting of viable products via a third party.
Staged prize investment: early-stage products are provided an audience, seed funding, and new solutions proceed down the product development pipeline based on merit and value, not pedigree.